Jax Green Daily
Friday, May 23, 2008
Celebrate with us! Sunday May 25th.

The Springfield Community Garden, before and after.

Working for something you believe in is essential. But almost as important as discovering just how hard you can work is learning to celebrate along the way. If you don't stop to reflect, praise, and say thanks you'll never fully understand why you're fighting in the first place.

We have been working very hard since October, and now it's time to party! For that reason, primarily, but also to introduce the garden to the community formally, and to raise some money for nails and concrete, we are hosting the Community Community Community Festival (a notion so important we have to say it thrice!).

On Sunday, May 25th, from noon 'til late, we will celebrate with garden tours, workshops, our environmental allies, free food and live music. The evening show, held inside the Pearl, will be a benefit to raise cash for the garden, and to collect food for Ultimate Picnic. $5 or 5 cans of food gets you in the door. Outdoor events are all free. Also, if you've got good condition, second-hand garden tools to get rid of, we'll gladly take them. We've been breaking rakes and shovels left and right!

making seed bombs (to surreptitiously spread flowers in empty lots!)
making moss graffiti (to tag walls with living greenery)
recycled crafts (necklaces, fairy lights, and seedling pots)
free food by Ultimate Picnic

Allies roster:
Sierra Club
Jacksonville's Sustainable Future
Jacksonville Seed Exchange
Audubon Society
The Gleaning Network

Band roster:
During the afternoon The Homesteaders, The Naughty Pines String Band and Khalid's Crew will be playing outdoors.

Later, inside the Pearl...
4:00 - Wudun
4:50 - Tuffy
5:40 - Sharing Needles with Jesus
6:30 - Helios Eye
7:20 - Airport Factory
8:10 - Manatella
9:00 - America del Sur
9:50 - Fruit Machine
10:40 - Buffalo Tears
11:30 - Heavy Flow
12:20 - Tough Junkie
1:10 - Lazerstar

Bring seeds to swap, picnic blankets, chairs, frisbees, dogs, and kids. We are looking forward to a beautiful and relaxed event.
Hey guys,
Craigslist has 25-30 cubics yards of free topsoil available in riverside for a sat pick up./ It's listed under the free section.. I don't have Philips # or I woulda called someone. Hope you see this soon enough.


Tory Aunspach

A picture from that day was used to post this article on current.com. Awesome!
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